Senin, 30 April 2012

Bamboo Shoot and Crab

Bamboo Shoot and Crab


800  gr         Bamboo Shoot , sliced 
  10  pcs       Red chillies
    2  cloves  Garlic
  12  cloves  Shallot
    1  cm       Gallangal, bruised
    5  pcs       Candle nut
    1  cm       Ginger
    2  stalks   lemon grass
    6  pcs      Daun salam ( can be replaced with bay leaf)
    4  medium size  crabs
500  ml       Coconut milk
500  ml       Water
pinch of sugar
Salt to taste


  • Boil the crab in salty water for 10 mins or until the colour turns red. Drain the crab and put aside.
  • Blanch the bamboo shoot and drained
  • Red chillies, garlic, shallot, ginger and candle nut put in a blender until smooth
  • Sautee the above paste (mixture), add in gallangal, daun salam and lemon grass till fragrant.
  • Add water, salt, a pinch of sugar, crab and bamboo shoot. Leave to cook for 15 minutes.
  • Add in coconut milk stir slowly and constantly for 10 minutes or so.
  • Ready to serve with white rice.

These crab are mud crab, they are green when fresh will turn orange after being cooked. They can be replaced with any type of crab.

This picture below is a giant crab..... 20 cm..... just the body!! 

Giant Mud Crab from Aceh (Lae Butar)

Bamboo Shoots (rebung

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