Minggu, 22 April 2012

Botok Medan

Traditionally Botok is Javanese food, the twist is using the most celebrated ikan teri Medan, as one of the ingredient.

Ingredient : 

100    gr       Mix of red and eye bird chili
  10    cloves Shallots
   2     cloves Garlic
   2     cm      Gallangal
300    gr       Tempe
200    gr       Tofu
200    gr        Petai cina (lamtoro)
100    gr        Lime basil
   2     tbs      Teri Medan (Medan dried anchovy)
   1/2  fruit    Grated young coconut
   2     pcs    Tomato  (diced)
   1     cup     Coconut water ( if available) or water
Sugar and Salt to taste

Cara memasak :
  • -       Mix chili, shallot, garlic and galangal are grounded or put in a blender
  • -       Boil (steam) tempe and tofu, diced
  • -       In a bowl mix all the above and add on the rest of the ingredients.
  • -       Mix well and taste the sugar and salt.
  • -       In banana leaf, wrap in about 2 tbs of the mixture and secure with tooth pick.
  •         Steam all the wraps for about 1 hour.

Split and cleaned Teri Jengki as an option of Teri Medan

This tempe is very clean, made without skin of the soya

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