Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Chicken Gule ( Gule Ayam )

The secret to a mouth-watering Gule Ayam lies in the "rempah" or the fresh made from scratch wet spice paste. Influenced by West Sumatran cuisine, this dish is an integral part of the Medan nasi bungkus or steamed rice liberally doused with the gule or gravy, pieces of chicken and a sambal, on the side, all wrapped up in a banana leaf! Take away food at it's most delicious!

Beef or even boiled eggs can replace the chicken.

Ingredients :

2      whole     Chicken,1 kg each, cut into 12 pieces
2      ekor        Ayam, masing-masing 1kg, potong 12
1      stalk       Lemon grass, bruised
1      tangkai   Sereh
2                    Daun salam (bay leaves)
2      lembar   Daun salam
250  ml          Thick coconut
250  ml          Santan kental
2      tbsp        Oil
2      sdm        Minyak untuk menumis

Spice paste
Bumbu yang dihaluskan

10                   Shallots
10                   Bawang merah
3    cloves      Garlic
3    siung        Bawang putih
3                    Candle nuts
3    butir         Kemiri
15                  Chillies (large chilies, less hot than eyebird ones)
15                  Cabe merah keriting
1    cm           Fresh turmeric
1    cm           Kunyit
1    cm           Ginger
1    cm           Jahe
1                    Tomato, sliced
1    buah        Tomat, potong
Salt to taste
Garam secukupnya

Method  :
  • Blend together all the spice ingredients. 
  • Haluskan semua bahan untuk bumbu
  • Saute in hot oil for 2-3 minutes or till fragrant.
  • Tumis dengan minyak panas selama 2-3 menit atau sampai harum
  • Turn the heat on high. Add the chicken pieces.
  • Besarkan api dan masukkan ayam
  • Add daun salam and lemon grass. Stir well so chicken pieces are coated with the spice paste.
  • Tambahkan daun salam dan sereh. Aduk rata sehingga ayam terlumuri bumbu.
  • Turn down the heat. Add coconut milk and continue to stir till the chicken pieces are tender
  • Kecilkan api. Masukkan santan dan sekali-sekali diaduk. Tutupi. Biarkan sampai ayam empuk
  • Serve hot with steamed rice and condiments
  • Hidangkan panas-panas dengan nasi putih dan lauk lainnya.....

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